



Lacking the ability to avoid or retreat from unfavorable conditions or potential foes, plants have evolved an enormous metabolic plasticity, which allows them to respond dynamically to environmental changes through the synthesis and / or degradation of particular compounds. Many so called secondary metabolites play a role in primary developmental processes and as signaling molecules (Clemens et al., 2006). The term metabolome describes the whole set of metabolites, synthesized by a biological system. Metabolomics aims at the identification of particular components as well as on their changes.


For this purpose a number of analytical apparatuses are available at our institute. For LC-MS based analysis an Aquity-UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF Premier mass spectrometer from waters is available. Additionally, GC-MS runs can be performed on an Agilent 7890 A / 5975 MSD system. Adequate IT-infrastructure is present and we are working continuously to improve it.

last modified 2009-11-18